
General Description:

The LM35 temperature sensor module is a reliable and precise device. utilized for measuring ambient temperature. It operates within a supply voltage range of 4 to 30V , providing an analog output proportional to the temperature in Celsius. With its low self-heating and linear output characteristics, the LM35 is extensively employed across diverse electronic applications for temperature monitoring and control.

Working Principle:

The LM35 temperature sensor utilizes a fundamental principle similar to that of a diode: as temperature rises, the voltage across the sensor increases at a predictable rate. This voltage change is accurately amplified to produce an analog signal directly proportional to the temperature. This straightforward mechanism allows the LM35 to reliably and precisely measure ambient temperature, making it a preferred choice for temperature sensing in various electronic applications.


1. Operates with a supply voltage of 5V.

2. It outputs an analog signal, which varies linearly with the temperature it measures.

3. It is capable of measuring temperatures within a wide range from -55°C to 150°C.

4. It offers a measurement accuracy of ±0.5°C.


S. No. Component Name Values
1 Resistor 220R , 1K
2 LM35 sensor
4 Male connector pin 4

Pin configuration:

S. No. Pins Pin Description
1 Vcc 5V
2 NC not connected
3 A0 analog pin
4 GND ground

Pin Diagrams:


1. Soil temperature testing.

2. Room temperature accuracy.

3. Image recognition and remote control.

4. Seawater distillation equipment.

For more info: Refer the Datasheets!



General Description:

The DHT22 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module AM2302 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air and spits out a digital signal on the data pin.

Working Principle:

The DHT22 sensor measures temperature and humidity using a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor. The humidity sensor changes its capacitance based on moisture levels, while the thermistor's resistance varies with temperature. These changes are converted into digital signals by an internal ADC, processed by a microcontroller, and communicated to an external microcontroller via a single-wire protocol. The sensor sends a 40-bit data packet with humidity, temperature, and a checksum for data integrity.


1. OperatingVoltage:3.5Vto5.5V.

2. Measuring current: 0.3mA.

3. Low power consumption.

4. Temperature range: -40 to 80 degree C.

5. Humidity range: 0% to 100%.

6. Accuracy: ±0.5°C and ±1%.


S. No. Component Name Values
1 DHT22 1
2 Resistors 5.1k,1k
3 Capacitors 0.1uF
5 Male connector pin

Pin configuration:

S. No. Pins Pin Description
1 Vcc 5V
2 D0 digital pin
3 NC Not connected
4 GND ground

Pin Diagrams:


1. Weather stations.

2. HVAC systems.

3. Environmental monitoring.

4. Agriculture.

5. Home automation.

For more info: Refer the Datasheets!
